Sidnie White Crawford
Year: 2019
Byzantine Gender
Leonora Neville
Christ on a Donkey: Palm Sunday, Triumphal Entries, and Blasphemous Pageants
Max Harris
Unwritten Poetry: Song, Performance, and Media in Early Modern England
Scott Trudell
The Transformation of the Political Position of the Armenian Community in Istanbul…
Ari Şekeryan
L’Histoire de France, Tome III (1561-1562)
Paul-Alexis Mellet
Rituals for the Dead: Religion and Community in the Medieval University of Paris
William J. Courtenay
New and Returning IRH Fellows for 2019-2020
IRH Director Steven Nadler is pleased to announce the 2019-2020 Fellow Cohort.
William J. Courtenay Publishes “Rituals for the Dead…”
In his new book, based on the Conway Lectures he delivered at Notre Dame in 2016, Courtenay examines aspects of the religious life of one medieval institution, the University of Paris, in the 13th and 14th centuries.
Paul-Alexis Mellet Co-Edits Tome III of “L’Histoire de France”
This text presents the third volume of “The History of France” by La Popelinière, published in 1581, which focuses on the crucial years of 1561 and 1562 that saw the outbreak of the Wars of Religion.