Andrey V. Ivanov
Month: April 2021
Congratulations to Lindsay Wells on Successfully Defending Her Dissertation
The IRH would like to congratulate Lindsay Wells, IRH Dana-Allen Fellow 2020-2021, on successfully defending her dissertation titled, “The Cultivation of Beauty: Indoor Gardening and the British Aesthetic Movement, 1860-1900”.
A Prophet Has Appeared The Rise of Islam through Christian and Jewish Eyes, A Sourcebook
Stephen Shoemaker
Full List of Incoming IRH Fellows 2021-2022
Senior Fellows Incoming Senior Fellows (2021-2025): Francine Hirsch (History, UW–Madison), “Enemies, A Love Story: An Entangled History of Russia and America” Mario Ortiz-Robles (English, UW–Madison), “Future Anterior: How Nineteenth-Century Institutions Framed the Future of Animals” …
Carolyn J. Eichner’s Book Finalist for the Prix Augustin Thierry
Carolyn Eichner’s book Franchir les barricades: Les femmes dans la Commune de Paris (Editions de la Sorbonne, 2020) has been short-listed for the Prix Augustin Thierry, awarded by the city of Paris.
Staging Lives in Latin American Theater: Bodies, Objects, Archives
Paola Hernández