Announcing the Humanities Grant Writing Camp for Graduate Students

Image description: This is a graphic that says: Dissertation & Humanities Grant Writing Camps at the top then there is an image of a group of about 20 graduate students who attended a writing center camp. Then below it says "Applications due March 25" and includes the writing center logo.The Humanities Grant Writing Camp is a new initiative from the Graduate School, led by Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Florence Hsia. Hosted by the Institute for Research in the Humanities and facilitated by the UW-Madison Writing Center, the 4-day camp (May 23–26, 2022) provides participants with a structured introduction to the nuts-and-bolts of writing funding proposals to support a wide range of humanities work, from research travel and dissertation writing to public humanities projects.

Applications to the Humanities Grant Writing Camp are due March 25. Eligibility criteria include enrollment in a UW–Madison graduate program in the humanities or humanistic social sciences. For more information see the Humanities Grant Writing Camp call for applications.

The image include the Red UW Shield with a W in the middle and to the right it reads the words "Graduate School"