Anne F. Widmayer
Recent Publications
Short announcements for recently published books/articles/projects by IRH fellows. Includes a large image of the book cover, a link out to the fellow’s profile, and a link to the publisher’s site for purchasing the book.
El Alma
Esther Fernández
The Best Land
Susan A. Brewer
Italy and the Islamic World
Ali Humayun Akhtar
James Malcolm Rymer, Penny Fiction, and the Family
Rebecca Nesvet
Queer Lasting: Ecologies of Care for a Dying World
Sarah Ensor
The Color of Asylum The Racial Politics of Safe Haven in Brazil
Katherine Jensen
The Chosen We Black Women’s Empowerment in Higher Education
Rachelle Winkle-Wagner
Jerusalem Through the Ages From Its Beginnings to the Crusades
Jodi Magness
Libels and Theater in Shakespeare’s England: Publics, Politics, Performance
Joseph Mansky