Faculty-Librarian Collaborations Panel

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University Club, Room 212
@ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Image of interior of memorial library stacks with dark grey shelves and colorful books stretching into the distance with sharp perspective.
Photo by Jeff Miller

Panel Discussion

Join a panel of humanities librarians as they discuss faculty-librarian collaborations. Five humanities librarians will introduce themselves and discuss ways in which they can support humanities scholarship on campus and what humanities scholars can do to help them.


Nina Clements is the English Humanities Librarian; she joined UW Libraries in August 2019. Kevin Kurdylo is the German Language Humanities and General Philosophy Librarian; he also works with Jewish Studies. Todd Michelson-Ambelang is the Librarian for Scandinavian Humanities, Classics, and South Asian Studies as well as the General Library System ADA Liaison for User Services. Julianne Haahr is the Western European History / Social Sciences and General History Librarian. Susan Barribeau is currently the Literary Collections Curator for UW Libraries Special Collections and was formerly the English Language Humanities Librarian.