New Digital Humanities Approaches to Renaissance Studies: Manuscript Imaging and Research Outsourcing in the Florentine Archives using the Bía Platform

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University Club, Room 212
@ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Portrait image of Brian Sandberg wearing a dark jacket seated in front of book shelves


Brian Sandberg

History, Northern Illinois University


The Bía Platform of the Medici Archive Project offers Renaissance scholars new approaches to digital humanities research. This online platform presents high-resolution digitized manuscript documents and a searchable interface to the massive Mediceo del Principato collection at the Archivio di Stato di Firenze. The Bía platform functions as a search engine to the papers of the Medici family and their princely state of Ducal and Granducal Tuscany. This presentation will introduce scholars and graduate students to the new possibilities of digital humanities research in Renaissance studies, focusing on ways of using the Bía platform and participating in the Medici Archive Project’s new crowdsourcing approach to collaborative research.


Brian Sandberg is an Associate Professor of History at Northern Illinois University who is interested in the intersections of religion, violence, and political culture during the European Wars of Religion. His monograph entitled, Warrior Pursuits: Noble Culture and Civil Conflict in Early Modern France (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010), examines provincial nobles’ orchestration of civil violence in southern France in the early seventeenth century. He has served as a Solmsen Fellow at the Institute for Research in the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow at the Medici Archive Project, and a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute. Sandberg has published a number of articles and essays on religious violence, gender relations, and noble culture in early modern France, and is currently working on a new book project on A Virile Courage: Gender and Violence in the French Wars of Religion, 1562-1629.

Lunch will be served at 11:45 A.M. in room 201. Please RSVP at