Richard Avramenko
Position title: Resident Fellow (2009-2010)
Political Science, UW-Madison
The Fullness of Time: Tocqueville and the Democratic Moment
Mary Beltrán
Position title: Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2009-2010)
Communication Arts and Chicana/o and Latino/a Studies, UW-Madison
Post-Race Pop? Interrogating Strategies for Ethnic Diversity in Millennial Media Culture
Florence Bernault
Position title: Resident Fellow (2009-2010)
History, UW-Madison
Struggles for the Sacred
Susan David Bernstein
Position title: Resident Fellow (2009-2010)
English, UW-Madison
Roomscape: Reading Space in the British Museum
Daniel Birkholz
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2009-2010)
English, University of Texas at Austin
We Have to Invent Him: Harley Lyrics, Hereford Maps, and the Life of Roger de Breynton, c. 1290-1351
Costica Bradatan
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2009-2010)
Philosophy, Texas Tech University
Philosophy as an Art of Dying
Rachel Feldhay Brenner
Position title: Senior Fellow (2008-2013)
Hebrew Studies, UW-Madison
Polish Writers' Diaries and Literary Writings from Warsaw 1939-1945: Moral Autonomy and Empathy in the Reality of German Occupation and Genocide
Cindy I-Fen Cheng
Position title: Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2009-2010)
History and Asian American Studies, UW-Madison
Locating Race in Cold War America
Preeti Chopra
Position title: Resident Fellow (2009-2010)
Languages and Cultures of Asia; Design Studies, UW-Madison
The City and its Fragments: Colonial Bombay, 1854-1918
Leslie Midkiff DeBauche
Position title: UW System Fellow (2009-2010)
Communication Arts, UW-Stevens Point
History of the American Girl
Kristen Ehrhardt
Position title: Robert J. Reinhold Dissertation Fellow (2009-2010)
Classics, UW-Madison
Drinking Alfresco: The Erotics of the Pastoral Sympotic Mode
Loretta Freiling
Position title: Assistant (1959-2010)
Loretta Freiling, the remarkable staff person who helped Marshall Clagett establish the Institute in 1959, continued to work for the Institute until her second retirement in 2010. In many ways, she was the “human face”…
Susan Stanford Friedman
Position title: IRH Director (2007-2017)
Hilldale Professor in the Humanities and the Virginia Woolf Professor of English and Women's Studies Emerita, UW-Madison
IRH Director (2007-2017)
David Goldstein
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2009-2010)
English, York University
Eating Otherwise: Food, Ethics, and Rhetoric in Early Modern England
Richard Goodkin
Position title: Senior Fellow (2009-2014)
French and Italian, UW-Madison
Connecting the Dots: The Calculus of Personality in French Fiction and Film
Rob Harper
Position title: ACLS Fellow Resident (2009-2010)
History, UW-Stevens Point
Revolution and Conquest: Violence and State Formation in the Ohio Valley
Ann W. Harris
Position title: Assistant to the Director (2009-2021)
Ann Wysor Harris joined the Institute for Research in the Humanities in July 2009. Before this she held positions in the Deans’ office at UW-Extension, at the Small Business Development Center, and at the School…
Douglas Howland
Position title: UW System Fellow (2009-2010)
History, UW-Milwaukee
Laws of Land and Sea: State-Building in Modern Japan
Len Kaplan
Position title: Honorary Fellow (2008-2011)
Law, UW-Madison
Beyond the Liberal State and Book of Job
Kristina Kosnick
Position title: Germaine Brée Dissertation Fellow (2009-2010)
French and Italian, UW-Madison
Queer Writing Matters: Literary Performativity in Contemporary Queer Women's Writing in French
Robert André Lafleur
Position title: Honorary Fellow (2008-2010)
History and Anthropology, Beloit College
Heaven is Round, Earth is Square: Calendars and Cosmology on China’s Sacred Mountains
Jean B. Lee
Position title: Senior Fellow (2005-2010)
History, UW-Madison
[Historic Fellow Profile, contact IRH if you have this Fellow's project title from this fellowship period.]
Beth Lew-Williams
Position title: ACLS Fellow Resident (2009-2010)
History, Stanford University
The Chinese Must Go: Immigration, Violence and Deportation in the 19th-Century Pacific Northwest
Mara Loveman
Position title: Resident Fellow (2009-2010)
Sociology, UW-Madison
The Naturalization of Social Divides: Towards a New Sociology Race
Kate Merz
Position title: Dana-Allen Dissertation Fellow (2009-2010)
English, UW-Madison
Imperial India on Trial: Crime, Punishment, and Colonialism, 1880-1940
Julia Mickenberg
Position title: Honorary Fellow (2009-2010)
American Studies, University of Texas at Austin
The New Woman Tries on Red: Russia in the American Feminist Imagination, 1905-1945
David Morgan
Position title: Senior Fellow (2005-2010)
History, UW-Madison
[Historic Fellow Profile, contact IRH if you have this Fellow's project title from this fellowship period.]
Julia K. Murray
Position title: Senior Fellow (2009-2011)
Art History, UW-Madison
Mysteries of Kongzhai: Relic, Representation, and Ritual at a Shrine to Confucius
Mark Netzloff
Position title: UW System Fellow (2009-2010)
English, UW-Milwaukee
Beyond the State: The Writings of English State Agents in Early Modern Europe
Rob Nixon
Position title: Senior Fellow (2009-2012)
Rachel Carson Professor of English, UW-Madison
The Nations Within
Barbara Obrist
Position title: Honorary Fellow (2003-2023)
Directeur de recherche émérite, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (Laboratoire SPHERE, Sciences, Philosophie, Histoire), Université Paris Diderot
La cosmologie médiévale. Textes et images II: le XIIe siècle
Tejumola Olaniyan
Position title: Senior Fellow (2007-2011; 2012-2013)
African Languages and Literature; English, UW-Madison
Enchanting Modernity: A Cultural Biography of the Postcolonial African State
Jonathan Z. S. Pollack
Position title: Madison Area Technical College Fellow (2009-2010)
History, Madison Area Technical College
Prosperity and Transience: Jewish Life in Madison, Wisconsin, 1850-2000
V. Narayana Rao
Position title: Senior Fellow (2005-2010)
Languages and Cultures of Asia, UW-Madison
[Historic Fellow Profile, contact IRH if you have this Fellow's project title from this fellowship period.]
Brian Sandberg
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2009-2010)
History, Northern Illinois University
'Martial Acts Virtuously Enacted by Women': Gender and Violence in the French Wars of Religion
Cherene Sherrard-Johnson
Position title: Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2009-2010)
English, UW-Madison
Dorothy West’s Paradise: A Biography of Class and Color
Stephanie Spadaro
Position title: Dana-Allen Dissertation Fellow (2009-2010)
French and Italian, UW-Madison
Sentimental Literature: Directing the Flows of Sympathy in Enlightenment and Francophone Texts
Claire Wendland
Position title: Resident Fellow (2009-2010)
Anthropology; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Medical History and Bioethics, UW-Madison
Giving Birth to Death: African Mothers’ Bodies and Expert Imaginations
Craig Werner
Position title: Senior Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2009-2013)
Afro-American Studies, UW-Madison
Love, Righteousness and Reconciliation: Politics and Theology in the Civil Rights, Black Power and American Indian Movements
Andrea Westlund
Position title: UW System Fellow (2009-2010)
Philosophy, UW-Milwaukee
Autonomy in Relation
André Wink
Position title: Senior Fellow (2009-2013)
History, UW-Madison
Al-Hind: The Making of the Indo-Islamic World
Shannon Withycombe
Position title: William Coleman Dissertation Fellow (2009-2010)
History of Science, UW-Madison
All Was Going Wrong: Pregnancy Loss in Nineteenth-Century America