Fellows 2011-2012

Anna Andrzejewski

Position title: Resident Fellow (2011-2012)

Art History, UW-Madison

One Builder: Marshall Erdman and Postwar Building and Real Estate Development in Madison, Wisconsin

J.K. Barret

Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2011-2012)

English, University of Texas at Austin

The Poetics of Futurity in Renaissance England

Katarzyna Olga Beilin

Position title: Resident Fellow (2011-2012)

Spanish and Portuguese, UW-Madison

White Ape, Black Bull: Animalismo and Change in Spanish Contemporary Culture

Caroline Boswell

Position title: UW System Fellow (2011-2012)

Humanistic Studies and European History, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Locating Dissent: Power and Resistance in Interregnum England

Rachel Feldhay Brenner

Position title: Senior Fellow (2008-2013)

Hebrew Studies, UW-Madison

Polish Writers' Diaries and Literary Writings from Warsaw 1939-1945: Moral Autonomy and Empathy in the Reality of German Occupation and Genocide

Henry Drewal

Position title: Senior Fellow (2010-2014)

Art History; Afro-American Studies, UW-Madison

The Senses in Understandings of Art: A Sensorium of Yoruba Peoples

Esther Eidinow

Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2011-2012)

Ancient Greek History, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Jealousy, Poison and Death

Denice Fett

Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2011-2012)

History, University of North Florida

Lying Abroad: Information, Communication and the Culture of Diplomacy in Reformation Europe

Ellery Foutch

Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2011-2013)

Art History, UW-Madison

Arresting Beauty: The Perfectionist Impulse of 19th-century Art and Culture

Lee Friederich

Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2010-2012)

East Asian Languages and Literature, UW-Madison

Unmasking the Abject Persona: East Asian Women as New World Citizens

Susan Stanford Friedman

Position title: IRH Director (2007-2017)

Hilldale Professor in the Humanities and the Virginia Woolf Professor of English and Women's Studies Emerita, UW-Madison

IRH Director (2007-2017)

Kenneth George

Position title: Senior Fellow (2011-2013)

Anthropology, UW-Madison

Companionable Objects, Companionable Conscience: Ethics and the Predicaments of Dwelling with Things

Julie Gibbings

Position title: Dana-Allen Dissertation Fellow (2011-2012)

History, UW-Madison

"AnotherRace More Worthy of the Present": History, Race and Nation in Alta Verapaz,Guatemala, c.1860-1960

Amanda Jo Goldstein

Position title: Sawyer Seminar Postdoctoral Fellow (2011-2012)

Comparative Literature, UW-Madison

'Sweet Science': Romantic Materialism and the New Sciences of Life

Richard Goodkin

Position title: Senior Fellow (2009-2014)

French and Italian, UW-Madison

Connecting the Dots: The Calculus of Personality in French Fiction and Film

Marian Halls

Position title: Dana-Allen Dissertation Fellow (2011-2012)

Comparative Literature, UW-Madison

Citizenship, Political Crisis, and Witness: Comparative Readings of Post-WWII and Post-dictatorship Testimony

Ann W. Harris

Position title: Assistant to the Director (2009-2021)

Ann Wysor Harris joined the Institute for Research in the Humanities in July 2009. Before this she held positions in the Deans’ office at UW-Extension, at the Small Business Development Center, and at the School…

Elizabeth Johnson

Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2011-2013)

Geography, UW-Madison

Animating Futures, Reanimating Biopolitics: Biomimetic Science and Empire

Jessica Keating

Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2011-2012)

Art History, UW-Madison

Objects of Diplomacy: Encounters between the Austrian Hapsburgs and the Muslim World, 1529-1612

Jimmy Klausen

Position title: Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2011-2012)

Political Science, UW-Madison

Unknown Political Bodies: Negative Anthropology, Political Theory, and Indigenous Societies

Mathangi Krishnamurthy

Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2010-2012)

Anthropology, UW-Madison

1-800 Worlds: Embodiment and Experience in the Indian Call Center Economy

Erin Lambert

Position title: Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Fellow (2011-2012)

History, UW-Madison

Resurrection and Devotional Identities in Sixteenth-Century Europe

Shanny Luft

Position title: UW System Fellow (2011-2012)

Religious Studies, UW-Stevens Point

The Devil's Church: Evangelicals and the Movies

John Nimis

Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2010-2012)

French and Italian, UW-Madison

Africa and the Disciplines: Congolese Music, Francophone Literature, and the Humanities

Rob Nixon

Position title: Senior Fellow (2009-2012)

Rachel Carson Professor of English, UW-Madison

The Nations Within

Barbara Obrist

Position title: Honorary Fellow (2003-2023)

Directeur de recherche émérite, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (Laboratoire SPHERE, Sciences, Philosophie, Histoire), Université Paris Diderot

La cosmologie médiévale. Textes et images II: le XIIe siècle

Trevor Pearce

Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2011-2013)

Philosophy, UW-Madison

Pragmatism and Biology: Organism, Environment, and Evolution in Early American Philosophy

Jonathan Z. S. Pollack

Position title: Honorary Fellow (2018-2020)

History, Madison Area Technical College; Honorary Scholar, George L. Mosse/Laurence A. Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies

Success from Scrap and Second-hand Goods: Jewish Business in the Midwest, 1890-1930

Amy Powell

Position title: Dana-Allen Dissertation Fellow (2011-2012)

Art History, UW-Madison

Time after Modernism: Postcoloniality in Contemporary Art

Lynnette Regouby

Position title: William Coleman Dissertation Fellow (2011-2012)

History of Science, UW-Madison

The Sensitive Plant: The Physiology of Environmental Influence in Enlightenment France

Mary Louise Roberts

Position title: Senior Fellow (2010-2014)

History, UW-Madison

Liberators and Intruders: The American Presence in France, 1944-1946

Mary Louise Roberts

Position title: Senior Fellow (2010-2014)

History, UW-Madison

D-Day through French Eyes: Memoirs of Normandy 1944

Kathryn Sanchez

Position title: Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2011-2012)

Spanish and Portuguese, UW-Madison

Racial Cannibalism: Carmen Miranda and the Performance of White Negritude in Brazil and the United States

Lawrence Shapiro

Position title: Resident Fellow (2011-2012)

Philosophy, UW-Madison

A Philosopher’s Guide to Thinking about Miracles

Irina Shevelenko

Position title: Resident Fellow (2011-2012)

Slavic Languages and Literature, UW-Madison

Modernism as Archaism: Nationalism and the Quest for a Modernist Aesthetic in Russia

Aliko Songolo

Position title: Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2011-2012)

French and Italian, African Languages and Literature, UW-Madison

'Calabash Cinema': Representations of the Indigenous in Francophone African Films

Matthew Waters

Position title: UW System Fellow (2011-2012)

Classics and Ancient History, UW-Eau Claire

The Persica of Ctesias in Its Near Eastern Context

Craig Werner

Position title: Senior Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2009-2013)

Afro-American Studies, UW-Madison

Love, Righteousness and Reconciliation: Politics and Theology in the Civil Rights, Black Power and American Indian Movements

Colin Wilder

Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2011-2012)

Political Science, University of South Carolina

Who Answers When the Landlord Calls? Interpreting Property and the 'German Idea of Freedom,' 1650-1800

Lee Willis

Position title: UW System Fellow (2011-2012)

History, UW-Stevens Point

The Clandestine Slave Trade in the United States, 1808-1865

André Wink

Position title: Senior Fellow (2009-2013)

History, UW-Madison

Al-Hind: The Making of the Indo-Islamic World