Andrew Amstutz
Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2018)
Asian Languages and Cultures, UW-Madison
A Language of Science: Urdu and the Making of Muslim Politics in Modern South Asia
Katie Elizabeth Apsey
Position title: Project Assistant (2017-2020)
Katie Apsey is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Art History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and holds a master’s degree in Art History from Concordia University in Montreal. Her research focuses on Contemporary…
Costica Bradatan
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2017-2018)
Humanities, Texas Tech University
In Praise of Failure
River Encalada Bullock
Position title: Dana-Allen Dissertation Fellow (2017-2018)
Art History, UW-Madison
Listening to Contemporary Art: Vocality as a Technology of Relation
Maura Capps
Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-2018)
History, UW-Madison
All Flesh Is Grass: A New Agrarian History of Britain’s Settler Empire
Melissa Charenko
Position title: William Coleman Dissertation Fellow (2017-2018)
History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, UW-Madison
Science as Prophecy: A History of Paleo Perspectives on Environmental Change
Cindy I-Fen Cheng
Position title: Resident Fellow (2017-2018)
History, UW-Madison
Race, Immigration, and Urban Poverty: The Growth of California’s Skid Rows, 1945-1990
Joseph Dennis
Position title: Resident Fellow (2017-2018)
History, UW-Madison
Songs to Encourage the Cessation of Litigation: Printing, Orality, and Legal Knowledge in China, 1595-1949
Jennifer Gaddis
Position title: Resident Fellow (2017-2018)
School of Human Ecology, UW-Madison
The Labor of Lunch: A New Economics of Care in American Public Schools
Hadis Ghaedi
Position title: Events Support (2017-2019)
Hadis Ghaedi is a Ph.D. Candidate in Second Language Acquisition at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research interests involve applied linguistics, discourse analysis, academic writing and second language acquisition. She has been teaching Academic Writing…
Stephanie Grace Petinos
Position title: Kingdon Fellow (2017-2018)
French, Hunter College
Divine Touch and Relicization within Narrative, Hagiographical, and Visual Representations from the Twelfth through the Fifteenth Centuries
Mira Green
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2017-2018)
History, University of Washington
Digesting Bodies: Status, Gender, and Mastery in Roman Society and Homes
Max Harris
Position title: Honorary Fellow (2016-2018)
Independent Scholar
Christ on a Donkey: Palm Sunday, Processional Theater, and Blasphemous Pageants
Ann W. Harris
Position title: Assistant to the Director (2009-2021)
Ann Wysor Harris joined the Institute for Research in the Humanities in July 2009. Before this she held positions in the Deans’ office at UW-Extension, at the Small Business Development Center, and at the School…
Elizabeth Hennessy
Position title: Resident Fellow (2017-2018)
History, UW-Madison
On the Backs of Tortoises: The Past and Future of Evolution in the Galápagos Islands
Daniel Hummel
Position title: Kingdon Fellow (2017-2018)
History, Harvard University
A Covenant of the Mind: American Evangelicals, Israel, and the Construction of a Special Relationship
Steven Hutchinson
Position title: Senior Fellow (2016-2020)
Spanish and Portuguese, UW-Madison
Imagining Africa: Early Modern Iberian Textual Cartographies
Kelsey Ihinger
Position title: Dana-Allen Dissertation Fellow (2017-2018)
Spanish and Portuguese, UW-Madison
Historiopoetics in Early Modern Spain: Remembering Anglo-Spanish Encounters, 1587-1623
Andrey V. Ivanov
Position title: UW System Fellow (2017-2018)
History, UW-Platteville
A Spiritual Revolution: The Impact of the Reformation and Enlightenment in Early Modern Orthodox Russia
Stephen Kantrowitz
Position title: Senior Fellow (2017-2021)
Plaenert-Bascom Professor of History; Affiliate Faculty Member, Afro-American Studies; American Indian Studies Program, UW-Madison
Citizenship and Civilization: A Ho-Chunk History
Theresa M. Kelley
Position title: Senior Fellow (2015-2018)
Marjorie and Lorin Tiefenthaler Professor of English, UW-Madison
Reading for the Future
Haixia Lan
Position title: UW System Fellow (2017-2018)
English, UW-La Crosse
Aristotle and Lao-Zhuang on Rhetoric and Dao: Not to Persuade and No-Action
Jeremy Ledger
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2017-2018)
History, University of Michigan
Mapping Mediterranean Geographies: Geographic and Cartographic Encounters between the Islamic World and Europe, c. 1150-1600
Jessica Lehman
Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-2018)
Geography, UW-Madison
Planetary Sea: Oceanography and the Making of the World Ocean
Elizabeth Lhost
Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2019)
Legal Studies; History; Asian Languages and Cultures, UW–Madison
Islam Inscribed: Faith and Bureaucracy in Modern South Asia (1800–1950)
Yuhang Li
Position title: Resident Fellow (2017-2018)
Art History, UW-Madison
Reproducing a Bodhisattva: Women's Artistic Devotion in Late Imperial China
Tomislav Longinović
Position title: Senior Fellow (2013-2018)
German, Nordic, and Slavic, UW-Madison
The Secret of Translation: Emerging Border Cultures
Ella Tobin Mershon
Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-2018)
English, UW-Madison
Passing Forms: Decay and the Making of Victorian Culture
Sandra Moats
Position title: UW System Fellow (2017-2018)
History, UW-Parkside
Building a Neutral Nation: America in the 18th Century Atlantic
Su Fang Ng
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2017-2018)
Clifford A. Cutchins III Associate Professor of English, Virginia Tech
Literary and Other Lives of Interpreters: Captives, Converts, and Scribes in the Early Modern East Indies
Lynn K. Nyhart
Position title: Senior Fellow (2014-2018)
Vilas-Bablitch-Kelch Distinguished Achievement Professor, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, UW-Madison
The Biological Individual in the Nineteenth Century
Barbara Obrist
Position title: Honorary Fellow (2003-2023)
Directeur de recherche émérite, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (Laboratoire SPHERE, Sciences, Philosophie, Histoire), Université Paris Diderot
La cosmologie médiévale. Textes et images II: le XIIe siècle
Jonathan Z. S. Pollack
Position title: Honorary Fellow (2018-2020)
History, Madison Area Technical College; Honorary Scholar, George L. Mosse/Laurence A. Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies
Success from Scrap and Second-hand Goods: Jewish Business in the Midwest, 1890-1930
Neil Prendergast
Position title: UW System Fellow (2017-2018)
History, UW-Stevens Point
American Holidays, American Nature
Lisa Ruth Rand
Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-2018)
History, UW-Madison
Orbital Decay: Space Junk and the Nature of Outer Space
Peter Ribic
Position title: Dana-Allen Dissertation Fellow (2017-2018)
English, UW-Madison
The Development Novel: World Literature and the Political Economy of Growth
Lawrence Shapiro
Position title: Senior Fellow (2017-2021)
Professor, Philosophy, UW-Madison
Neither Science Nor Religion: Why Philosophy Matters for Answering the Big Questions
Cherene Sherrard-Johnson
Position title: Senior Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2017-2021)
Sally Mead Hands-Bascom Professor of English, UW-Madison
Interlapping Blackness: An Intimate Cartography
Mali Skotheim
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2017-2018)
Classics, Princeton University
Radical Dancers: The Rise of Pantomime and the End of Drama in Antiquity
Michael G. Titelbaum
Position title: Resident Fellow (2017-2018)
Philosophy, UW-Madison
Constitutive Points of View
Melissa Vise
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2017-2018)
Italian Studies, New York University
The Unruly Tongue: Speech and Violence in Medieval Italy
Ethelene Whitmire
Position title: Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2017-2018)
School of Library & Information Studies, UW-Madison
Searching for a Rainbow: African Americans in 20th Century Denmark
Timothy Yu
Position title: Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2017-2018)
English, UW-Madison
Diasporic Poetics: Asian Poets in the United States, Canada, and Australia
Yanping Zhang
Position title: A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2018)
English, UW-Madison
Toward a Media History of the Socialist International: Incarnations and Migration of ‘Revolutionary Romanticism’ in Literature, Arts, and Media (1928-1986)
Yongming Zhou
Position title: Senior Fellow (2014-2018)
Anthropology, UW-Madison
Chasing Happiness: The Unhappy Life of a Western Ideal in China, 1890-2010