Ayodeji Adegbite
Position title: Coleman Dissertation Fellow (2023-2024)
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, UW–Madison
Africa’s Biomedical Public: African Medical Practitioners in the Environment, Politics and Science of Disease Control in Africa
Tolulope Akinwole
Position title: Dana-Allen Dissertation Fellow (2023-2024)
Ph.D. Candidate, English, UW–Madison
Vehicular Articulations: Public Buses, Cityness, and Cultural Aesthetics in Postcolonial Africa
Mercedes Alcalá-Galán
Position title: UW–Madison open-topic senior fellow (2023-2027)
Professor, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, UW–Madison
Uncovering Black African Female Slavery in Early Modern Spain: Voices from the Archives and Portrayals in Art and Literature
Katie Elizabeth Apsey
Position title: Associate Director (2021--)
Katie covers the administrative and program management needs of the Institute for Research in the Humanities (IRH) and serves as assistant to the IRH Director. She received her PhD in Art History from the University…
Joel Berkowitz
Position title: UW System Fellow (2023-2024)
Professor of English, UW-Milwaukee
In These Days of Job: Yiddish Drama After the Holocaust
Brandon Bloch
Position title: Resident Fellow (2023-2024)
Assistant Professor, Department of History, UW-Madison
Reinventing Protestant Germany: Religious Nationalists and the Origins of Post-Nazi Democracy
Miren Boehm
Position title: UW System Fellow (2023-2024)
Associate Professor, Philosophy, UW–Milwaukee
Empiricism and Intelligibility in Hume's Philosophy
Jeremy Phillip Brown
Position title: Kingdon Fellow (2023-2024)
Jordan H. Kapson Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies, Theology, University of Notre Dame
A World of Piety is Built: The Pietism of Medieval Castilian Kabbalah
Emily Callaci
Position title: Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2023-2024)
Professor, History Department, UW–Madison
Planning the African Family: Reproductive Politics in the Era of Decolonization
Lisa H. Cooper
Position title: UW–Madison open-topic senior fellow (2023-2027)
Professor, English, UW–Madison
The Poetics of Practicality in Late Medieval England
Samuel England
Position title: Resident Fellow (2023-2024)
Associate Professor of Arabic, African Cultural Studies, UW–Madison
Diwan in the Darkroom: The Literary Life of Arab Photography
Sarah Ensor
Position title: Resident Fellow (2023-2024)
Assistant Professor, English, UW–Madison
Queer Lasting: Ecologies of Care at Future's End
Esther Fernández
Position title: Biruté Ciplijauskaité Postdoctoral Fellow (2023-2025)
Independent Scholar
A Drama in Transition: The Democratization of Spanish Classical Theater
Barbara Galindo
Position title: ACLS Postdoctoral Fellow in Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity [ACLS Emerging Voices Fellow], 2022-2024
Ph.D., Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of California, Los Angeles
Tortured Zones, Orphanized Lives: Cultural Representations of Mining Terror in South America
Louis Gerdelan
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2023-2024)
Haas Postdoctoral Fellow, Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry, Science History Institute
Catastrophic Inquiries: Making Disaster Knowledge in the British, French and Spanish Atlantic Worlds, c.1605- 1755
Maksim Hanukai
Position title: Resident Fellow (2023-2024)
Assistant Professor, German, Nordic, and Slavic+, UW–Madison
Zones of Indistinction: Cultural Biopolitics after Communism
Andrea Harris
Position title: UW–Madison open-topic senior fellow (2023-2027)
Professor, Dance, School of Education, UW–Madison
The Body is an Instrument: Science, the Therapeutic Worldview, and the Beginning of Modern Dance
Max Harris
Position title: emeritus fellow (2018--)
Independent Scholar
The Creative Cult of Saint Anthony: Relics, Paintings, Plays, Puppets, and Fiestas
Francine Hirsch
Position title: UW–Madison open-topic senior fellow (2021-2025)
Alice D. Mortenson/Petrovich Distinguished Chair of Russian History, Department of History, UW–Madison
Enemies, A Love Story: An Entangled History of Russia, America, and Germany
Ruth Llana Fernández
Position title: Biruté Ciplijauskaité Dissertation Fellow (2023-2024)
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, UW–Madison
Radical Alterities and Nonhuman Textualities: Critical Forms of Life in the Luso-Hispanic Literature
B. Venkat Mani
Position title: UW–Madison Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity senior fellow (2021-2025)
Evjue-Bascom Professor of the Humanities, German, Nordic, and Slavic+; Affiliate Faculty, English; Research Faculty, Center for German and European Studies; Teaching Faculty, Center for South Asia / Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS); Affiliate Faculty, Center for the History of Print and Digital Cultures; Member, L&S Faculty Honors Committee, UW–Madison
Tales of Unsettlement: The Global Novel in the Age of Refugees
Adrian McClure
Position title: honorary fellow (2022-2025)
PhD, Medieval Literature, Purdue University
Haunted by Heresy: The Perlesvaus, Medieval Antisemitism, and the Trauma of the Albigensian Crusade
Matthew Leigh Murray
Position title: Honorary Fellow (2023-2024)
Instructional Professor of Anthropology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Mississippi
Archaeological Landscapes of Central Europe
Steven Nadler
Position title: Director (2018--)
Vilas Research Professor and William H. Hay II Professor, Department of Philosophy, UW–Madison
Steven Nadler has been teaching at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 1988. He has been a Senior Fellow at the IRH (2013-2017), and twice a Resident Fellow...
Elizabeth Ann Neary
Position title: Project Assistant (2020-2024)
Elizabeth is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at UW–Madison. She specializes in cultural exchanges between Christians and Muslims on the Iberian Peninsula during the 16th and 17th centuries. Her dissertation…
Quincy D. Newell
Position title: Kingdon Fellow (2023-2024)
Walcott-Bartlett Chair of Humanistic Studies, Religious Studies Department, Hamilton College
Marginal Mormons: African Americans and Native Americans in the Nineteenth-Century Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Simon P. Newman
Position title: honorary fellow (2020-2025)
Sir Denis Brogan Professor of History (Emeritus), School of Humanities, University of Glasgow
Freedom-Seekers 1776
Mario Ortiz-Robles
Position title: UW–Madison open-topic senior fellow (2021-2025)
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor and Nancy C. Hoefs Professor of English, English, UW–Madison
Future Anterior: How Nineteenth-Century Institutions Framed the Future of Animals
Marla A. Ramírez
Position title: Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2023-2024)
Assistant Professor, History; Chican@ & Latin@ Studies, UW–Madison
Banished Women: A Hidden History of Mexican Repatriation
Caroline Seymour-Jorn
Position title: UW System Fellow (2023-2024)
Professor of Comparative Literature and Global Studies, Department of Global Studies, UW–Milwaukee
Arab Literary Selves in the Global Arena
Amanda Mingail Shubert
Position title: ACLS Resident Fellow (2023-2024)
Teaching Faculty, English, UW–Madison
Seeing Things: Virtual Aesthetics in Victorian Culture
Rebecca Shumway
Position title: UW System Fellow (2023-2024)
Associate Professor, History, UW–Milwaukee
West African Roots of Pan-Africanism
Chelsea Silva
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2023-2024)
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Oklahoma State University
Bedwritten: Middle English Medicine and the Ailing Author
Walter C. Stern
Position title: Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2023-2024)
Vilas Associate Professor, Educational Policy Studies; Affiliate, Department of History, UW–Madison
A Legal Lynching in Louisiana: Gary Tyler and The Criminalization of Black Students during Desegregation
Anne C. Vila
Position title: UW–Madison open-topic senior fellow (2021-2025)
Professor of French, Department of French & Italian, UW–Madison
Convulsive Enlightenment: Lives and Afterlives of the Convulsionnaires in French Culture and Theory (18th to 21st Centuries)
Jess Waggoner
Position title: Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity Fellow (2023-2024)
Assistant Professor, Gender and Women's Studies and English, UW–Madison
Cripping Afro-Modernisms: Race, Gender, and the Roots of Disability Consciousness, 1900-1950
Justine Walden
Position title: honorary fellow (2020-2025)
Harvard Villa I Tatti Berenson Fellow (2023-2024); Lecturer, Department of History, UW–Madison (2020-2023).
What Price Souls: Enslavement, Evangelism, and Profit in the Early Modern Atlantic; and Naming Race in the Renaissance
Nancy Wicker
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2023-2024)
Professor, Department of Art and Art History, University of Mississippi
Art Before and During the Viking Age in Scandinavia and Beyond
D. David Williams
Position title: Solmsen Fellow (2023-2024)
Ph.D., Department of Classics and Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago
“Addressing Clouds”: Aristophanes and the Attic Enlightenment
Daniel Williford
Position title: Resident Fellow (2023-2024)
Assistant Professor, History Department, UW–Madison
Concrete Futures: Technology and the Uncontrollable in Modern Morocco
Chris Yogerst
Position title: Honorary Fellow (2023-2024)
Associate Professor, Arts & Humanities, UW-Milwaukee
The Cantankerous Cagneys
Viacheslav Zahorodniuk
Position title: Biruté Ciplijauskaité Postdoctoral Fellow (2023-2025)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto; Assistant of the Chair of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Department of Philosophy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Early Childhood in the Early Modern: Locke's Accounts on Children Perception