Ying Liu
Position title: Honorary Fellow (2010-2011)
English, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
Regionalism, Women Writers and Globalization: 1890s-1930s
This project places late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century American women writers between the two terms “regionalism” and “globalization”. It explores the role that writers such as Kate Chopin, Sara Jewett, Willa Cather, Zora Neale Hurston played in the interaction between provincial and cosmopolitan, local and global. This study argues that they serve as translators between the local and global, and at the same time, their literary texts are sites of resistance to the negative impact of nationalism and globalism on American culture, human relationship and self identity.
Ying Liu is Professor of English in Department of English at Nankai University in China. Her teaching and research interests include American literature and theory, and women’s studies. She is the author of Seeking for Harmony: Contemporary American and Chinese Women Writers’ Quest for a Better Life (2004). She has published scholarly articles on American literary regionalism, Feminist Utopian fictions, Charlotte Gilman, Willa Cather, Alice Walker, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joyce Carol Oates. Ying Liu (Tianjin University, (B.A), Tianjin University of Foreign Languages Studies (M.A), Nankai University (Ph.D)) has won Outstanding Research Award (Nankai University), and Outstanding Teacher Award (Tianjin City). She also holds a China Scholarship Council Fellowship.