Descartes’s Fable: The Book That Made Philosophy Modern
Nadler, Steven
Becoming Spinoza: The Making of a Philosopher
Nikpour, Golnar
Prison Days: The History of Prisons and Punishment in Modern Iran
Nyhart, Lynn K.
The Biological Individual in the Nineteenth Century
Obrist, Barbara
La cosmologie médiévale. Textes et images II: le XIIe siècle
Paul, Zakir
Disarming Intelligence: On a Modern French Faculty
Pollack, Jonathan Z. S.
Success from Scrap and Second-hand Goods: Jewish Business in the Midwest, 1890-1930
Radano, Ronald
Sound Commodities, Embodied Forms: Race, Value, and the Animated Properties of US Black Music
Radano, Ronald
The Secret Animation of Black Music
Schroeder, Sissel
Building Place and People: Materiality, Hybridity, and Community Formation among Ancient Native Americans in the Midcontinent, AD 1000-1600