Mysteries of Kongzhai: Relic, Representation, and Ritual at a Shrine to Confucius
Nadler, Steven
“A Book Forged in Hell”: Spinoza’s Scandalous Treatise
Nimis, John
Africa and the Disciplines: Congolese Music, Francophone Literature, and the Humanities
Nixon, Rob
The Nations Within
Obrist, Barbara
La cosmologie médiévale. Textes et images II: le XIIe siècle
Olaniyan, Tejumola
Enchanting Modernity: A Cultural Biography of the Postcolonial African State
Ortiz-Robles, Mario
Zootopia: Nature and Politics in Late Victorian Fiction
Postnikov, Alexey
Mapping Russia’s Frontiers and its influence on Development of Ideas and Methods in Russian National Cartography (late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries)
Reichl, Karl
Oral Epic Poetry: Medieval and Central Asian
Roberts, Mary Louise
Liberators and Intruders: The American Presence in France, 1944-1946