One Builder: Marshall Erdman and Postwar Building and Real Estate Development in Madison, Wisconsin
Barret, J.K.
The Poetics of Futurity in Renaissance England
Beilin, Katarzyna Olga
White Ape, Black Bull: Animalismo and Change in Spanish Contemporary Culture
Boswell, Caroline
Locating Dissent: Power and Resistance in Interregnum England
Brenner, Rachel Feldhay
Polish Writers’ Diaries and Literary Writings from Warsaw 1939-1945: Moral Autonomy and Empathy in the Reality of German Occupation and Genocide
Drewal, Henry
The Senses in Understandings of Art: A Sensorium of Yoruba Peoples
Eidinow, Esther
Jealousy, Poison and Death
Fett, Denice
Lying Abroad: Information, Communication and the Culture of Diplomacy in Reformation Europe
Foutch, Ellery
Arresting Beauty: The Perfectionist Impulse of 19th-century Art and Culture
Friederich, Lee
Unmasking the Abject Persona: East Asian Women as New World Citizens