Queering Pan-Americanism: Sexuality, Politics, and Performance in Tulio Carella’s Recife Diaries, 1960-1961
Angelov, Alexander
Conversion and Empire: Byzantine Narratives and Imperial Christianity across the Frontier, 300-900
Baird, Ian
Indigeneity in Southeast Asia: The Geopolitics of the Expansion and Localization of an Increasingly Global Movement
Bates, Catherine
Perversion in Arcadia
Betty, Louis
Spiritism and Progress: A Study in Otherworldly Utopia
Bow, Leslie
Racist Love: Asian Americans and the Fantasy of Race
Brewer, Susan
The Best Land
Bromley, James
Style, Subjectivity, and Male Sexuality in Early Modern Drama
Chan, Shelly
Diaspora’s Homeland: Modern China in the Age of Global Migration
Das, Devaleena
Female Body: The Cartography of Desire and Transnational Feminism