Nair, Vijayanka

The State of the Individual: Biometrics, Politics, and the Common Man in India

Nikpour, Golnar

Prison Days: The History of Prisons and Punishment in Modern Iran

Nimis, John

Africa and the Disciplines: Congolese Music, Francophone Literature, and the Humanities

Pearce, Trevor

Pragmatism and Biology: Organism, Environment, and Evolution in Early American Philosophy

Rogers, Amanda

Politics, Gender and the Art of Religious Authority in North Africa: Moroccan Women’s Henna Practice

Tharaud, Jerome

Evangelical Space: Art, Experience, and the Ethical Landscape in America, 1820-1860

Thomas, Jolyon

Japan’s Preoccupation with Religious Freedom: The Crucial Role of an East Asian Nation in the Construction of a Universal “Human Right”