Amstutz, Andrew

A Language of Science: Urdu and the Making of Muslim Politics in Modern South Asia

Capps, Maura

All Flesh Is Grass: A New Agrarian History of Britain’s Settler Empire

Fisher, Elaine

Renaissance without Reformation: Hinduism and the Public Sphere in Early Modern South India

Florini, Sarah

Remembering the Past, Reframing the Present: Digital Media, Hip Hop, and the Mnemonic Work of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement

Foutch, Ellery

Arresting Beauty: The Perfectionist Impulse of 19th-century Art and Culture

Friederich, Lee

Unmasking the Abject Persona: East Asian Women as New World Citizens

Golab, Hanna

Songs and Stones: Postclassical Greek Chorality

Goldstein, Brian

A City Within a City: Community Development and the Struggle Over Harlem